his final statement. no words. subhanAllāh.

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Thank you

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Allah Yerhamo. Instead of petitions and phonecalls, may we block trucks holding people (on their way to justified murder) with our bodies. May our bodies be the same as them, as our lives be worth equally as we push.

In Ramallah, my people once washed their hands in the blood of two Israeli soldiers they'd strung up and murdered in a camp. We cannot resist so peacefully, just for fear that our practises might 'taint' our image.

What taints us more than standing by idly as we rest in our privilege? It's not the accusatory fingers that taint us, it's the blood of our kin still lift on their fingertips.

Who do we wait for to sanction us, when we see how cheap it is to toll bodies to the state?

How many more Black people must die as a symbol for global oppression? Look at the techniques of the resistances who are demonised and villified.

Our peace must be taken. As ismatu taught me what the original meaning is: we are blessed - we are washed with blood. And even when we are not, we must not just shout from the sidelines as those affected bathe themselves in it.

Allahu akbar.

, Saeida

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It can be a hard truth to swallow that blood sweat and tears were shed in a fight that we were ill-equipped to handle. But reading your words, and this electrifying piece by Darius Simpson make the decision to rise again everyday so easy. Thank you for spreading seeds of revolution through despair. Allah yerahmo

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