thank you for all you do ismatu! sending love and hope, good luck with the drive!

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children, ease, libraries 💝

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Absolutely delighted to hear from you! It's so inspiring that each time that you write anything you have something else to show us.I wish I was nearer you to donate books and help out in person.

I wanted to ask for help to anyone who has the time to read me and give me any advice.

I'm from Spain, near Valencia, so we're trying to get the extra books we have to our neighboors who lost them because of the Dana.

This said, I've been looking for advices on where to start for organicing. Spain has had a terrible loss and the culprit isn't even out of his charge (when, if we're going to have jails, he's the first one Who should be there) we're talking more than 200 working class people who drowned because he didn't want to send them home, so they could keep working. And later he didn't even as much as sended help.

We were working class people using our free time, our sick days and our vacations on helping other working class people clean their homes of mud. And I realized just how much we need to help eachother.

I want to act on that feeling, but I want those actions to last. I am not being able to find that kind of organizing near me. Any advice on how to look further? First books with recommendations? Other first steps to take? Thank you so much!!!

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The mutual aid you are talking about is the start of organization! Having to pay for the catastrophe with your (indefinite pronoun) literal health (sick days) and well-being (vacation days) with the expectation that you will go back to being productive as soon as it is plausible is gut wrenching. My heart is with the people of Valencia. I am struggling to organize in my community and educate myself (an ongoing process), so advice is not something I can definitively offer. With that in mind, here are some rudimentary materials I have engaged with: Mutual Aid by Dean Spade, Pollution is Colonialism by Max Liboiron, How to Go Mad Without Losing Your Mind by La Marr Jurelle Bruce, and, of course, Ismatu's many essays and resources <3

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Thank you so much, Celeste. I am not looking for teachers, but people walking my path who can tell me if they've seen rocks ahead, so your recomendations are exactly what I was looking for!!! I'll look into them, wholeheartedly, thank you.

In regards to Valencia we're all absolutely heartbroken about our neighboors, but it's also so exciting to see this spontaneous mutual aid burst. It feels just right to see the people saving the people.

Thank you so much, Celeste, for your help! <3

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hey! I am from Barcelona and have been struggling to find the ways to offer support to Valencia from here... I have donated to various organisations and friends directly, but if there is a specific fund you feel is important and would like to share I would appreciate. si necessites res més que puguem fer des d'aquí, també. una abraçada!

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Ara mateix crec que fan més falta mans que donaciós, perque al ser ajuda mútua la gent organitzant està molt sobrepassada.

Encara aixina, n'hi ha formes específiques de donar que sí que ajuden moltíssim:

Aydaterreta.com és una molt bona pàgina web a la que la gent està posteant l'ajuda específica que necessiten, ón la necessiten, etc però és més per a gent anant directament.

@adoptauncpmercio_ a Instagram és per a ajudar a comercis xicotets afectats per la Dana.

Un comerci afectat, per la Dana és totenart.com, que està posant productes d'art amb descomptes perquè estan pericialment afectats, per a reflotar l'empresa, perquè han perdut molt.

@animales_dana_valencia a Instagram és un compte de gent organitzant-se per a acogir a animals domèstics perduts per la Dana fins que es contacte amb les seves famílies (si es que es consegueix contactar).

@danakidsvlc es un compte de Instagram de gent organitzant-se per a cuidar dels xiquets mentre les famílies netejen

I @saloncomicvalencia està organitzant recogida de joguets per a xiquets afectats per la Dana per a que tinguen per Nadal (tenen la direcció, potser accepten donaciós per correu)

Jo estic a Instagram com @mi_voragine i faig dibuixos a canvi de donacions (per a Valencia i també per a un xiquet a Palestina), n'hi ha moltíssims artistes fent el mateix, per si algú vol fer un regal de Nadal o alguna cosa aixina, es pot fer un encàrrec, i és un 2x1.

Sé que també ni ha gent recogint mobles per a la gent que els ha perdut, però no he trobat qui eren, i en qualsevol cas, m'imagine que no serà la millor opció desde Barcelona.

Ara mateix la millor opció són donacions directes.

Altre podria dir-te més, però ara mateix és tot el que trobe.


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Noo! Jo sóc d'Elx, Alacant, tinc el meu germà a València ciutat, però no està tan afectada. I deia això de veïns com a expressió de cercania, però ací estem perfectament. Però moltíssimes gràcies, ets un solet! 💖💖💖

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thanks for the update! I would definitely appreciate a way to donate that isn't cashapp/venmo if you end up setting that up ♥️

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working on it <3

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love you immensely. proud of you always.

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you are love. it's beaming out of your eyes <3

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I really enjoyed hearing your thoughts on beauty, years ago I attempted to answer questions on what is Black(African) beauty all the threads led to race and the affect of racism white supremacy. It’s only now I am beginning to see how beauty works. Thanks.

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So happy to hear you're being selfish,

Gonna go research the acupuncture now!



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