i'm curious -- have you checked out @badschoolbadschool on instagram? i feel like you both have a lot of similar ideas in regards to bringing down the "wall". i would consider you both some of my internet professors at the moment. every post gives me so much to chew on. thank you so much, as always.

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i have not! thank you for the recommendation

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Loveee their ideas always, second this shoutout!!

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I loved reading this. You articulate so well what many of us are feeling

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i’ve been feeling so crazy about these exact things recently, and it’s heartening to know i’m crazy in good company 💜

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I was able to read through this whole essay! Reading non-fiction has been super hard for my attention span in the last few years, but I've been making an effort after finding your work. Being able to really Read is a joy I had forgotten, thank you for bringing it back to me.

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Thank you for this essay! Always love to read your thoughts. I’m rethinking my ideas of “peace” as you had mentioned in your essay.

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You're words are so sincere and true they hit to the core of me every single time. I have so many questions and you have been instrumental over the past years in helping me answer them, forever thankful xx praying over you all the time.

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“all manner of sweet things that at first glance might feel bitter.” What glorious poetry. It’s truly a pleasure to read your words. In addition, another powerful essay that opens my mind and helps me to keep working through this life and all its questions - that offers questions I didn’t know I could or should ask. Thank you!

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This is such a word!!! What you said about this not being a time of incremental gains. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I find them to be very grounding.

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And with today’s words I weep a little more hope into the world. And use it to fuel more action. Thank you.

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What di you thunk about Jackson's "Soledad Brother"? It's one of my favorite epistolary books I've ever read.

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Maybe there are better points of reference, but the whole ILA situation really makes me recall J Sakai’s thesis in his book Settlers: the white working class in “America” has never been revolutionary, and instead has always opted to benefit from the bounty of colonial plunder.

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For those unfamiliar: https://readsettlers.org/

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This is so needed, your timing is perfect. Thank you.

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I think about this everyday. Specifically, as of late, finger wagging and blaming the fellow slave for being captured in every way and moving accordingly for survival. I see the power and potential, but now I’m recognizing the contradictions in us ALL (some of mine being the fact that I haven’t started organizing knowing what I know and I’m still seeking some sense of “normalcy” in my personal life). This existence is hard/damn near impossible to grapple with and every minute is a mind fxck. Here’s to hoping those of us sheltered in the belly of the beast say yes to TRUE revolution when the time comes.

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Oct 5Liked by ismatu gwendolyn

I remember Jackson spending a lot of time on that book advocating for insurrection & revolutionary guerrilla warfare. Those aren't abstract ideas, there are entire bodies of work dedicated to analyzing how such struggles are begun & won, plenty of it produced by Palestinians. If people agree that that's what needs to be done, there's not much left but to get with those you trust who've come to similar conclusions & get to work…& for remote/online communication & coordination, I would strongly suggest moving away from posting on corporate platforms with your government names & photos of yourself attached.

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The clarity of this piece is unparalleled. Too many great points to highlight individually. Basically I feel I agree 100%. Incredible writing.

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Oh Ismatu...it’s like you’re IN my brain. Thank you for this, as always.

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