class su icide is something i've been thinking about for a long time, and this video was so important and helpful in my learning & growth. thank you again for everything <3

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Hi Ismatu 💕 I’m studying the history of revolution in the Philippines rn and this analysis is super helpful as to why the rev of 1898 failed!! I really appreciate hearing how this scales down to personal life. One point I wanna add to in the section you have about imperialism is that economic imperialism inevitably means warfare. Imperialism is the logical next step of capitalism, and imperialism must be upheld thru wars of aggression, war games, and the presence of military bases. The US is expanding into Asia pacific in order to build up to war with China, and US-led NATO is expanding into Africa by building up with the traitor ruling classes in various countries via AFRICOM

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I’m sure this is not news to you at all but for me seeing the connections clearly play out between capitalism, class struggle, imperialism and warfare is super helpful for understanding past & present crises of violence against land & people

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i would say that the last 20 years of workers party politics in Brazil were built upon class suicide, (which i call hacking the tools of the empire for colective emancipation), many of the thinkers that inspired the socialist movements studied in the burgeois core, mostly Sorbonne including Paulo Freire, Darcy Ribeiro, Suely Rolnik, or the petit burgeois lumpem radicalisation of students during the years of Kissinger sponsored dictatorship, many of them joined armed struggle and later helped to constitute the workers party leadership (Dilma Rouseff one of them, she btw is one of the drafters of BRICS and considered a terrorist in tbe dictatorship years) and went back to Brazil to do grassroot work that we see taking effect today with the emancipation of Brazil from the US empire (still being pulled strings and suffering from deep burgeois/neocolonial/right wing Christian extremists lobbies and coups attempts) but i would argue that it was through class suicide how it was seeded.

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i learned to repair my laptop instead of buying a new one (like i could buy a new one rn anyways) bc of what you taught me about congo

love you, iachi da

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