Jun 18Liked by ismatu gwendolyn

I’ve been very exhausted and overwhelmed lately so it was nice to just sit here and crochet and listen to your voice <3

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Jun 18Liked by ismatu gwendolyn

i am tireddd. perfection is paralysis and and my perfectionism will kill me. also about to graduate (from highschool). just happy to hear from you on here again :)

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I hope your graduation went swimmingly 💗💌

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Jun 18Liked by ismatu gwendolyn

just got done watching and want to say that it's amazing how it seems as if the inner-child within you is still such an important core part of your spirit, as if it's tethered with you fully and refuses to let go. i feel like i can hear it with the way that you speak, your goals, the way that you communicate, the delivery of it all. i'm not really sure how to explain it? but thank you for sharing as always :) it's nice to see you and i also understand what you mean about the preference of essays instead of being on camera (especially for long periods of time)

i'm doing okay! currently in the process of preparing for the future whilst keeping in mind the present and future crises. trying to recognize i am just one mortal being and can't be responsible for everything. we'll see if i learn that lesson by the end of my lifetime lol

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Jun 19Liked by ismatu gwendolyn

I'm pretty new to your channel, this was fun and really nice. Your thoughts on substances have been very important to hear lately, really appreciated. I hope you get more chances to rest! :)

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Jun 19Liked by ismatu gwendolyn

I appreciate you SHOWING UP to life and being present to all that that brings and letting it change you and being curious about the tension of it all and bringing play to the work and openness to what's true and transparency to what's hard. I've never commented (i think?) because I feel like if i got started i would have a whole essay back and I'm not even sure what materially I'd really have to say, like you got shit to do, would want to honor that time with something well reasoned. But in the meantime, just attempting to "pollo" your "marco" fwiw. I HEAR you. Your work is fortifying to witness. Thank you for being a commitment to caring for yourself too.

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Jun 20Liked by ismatu gwendolyn

I’m exhausted sad and scared for the future honestly. Stretched for the first time in a long time to feel out my feelings that I’ve been pushing down. Now I’m here sitting in them and it’s honestly a lot. Nice to hear from you again! Hope your resting well!

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Jun 20Liked by ismatu gwendolyn

sleep so well yallll

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Jun 22Liked by ismatu gwendolyn

“Being a poet is so embarrassing it’s like being a SoundCloud rapper of the literary world” IM GAGGED as a poet myself you did not lie

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Jun 25Liked by ismatu gwendolyn

I listen on the other end when I can. Thank you for taking time and sharing

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Jun 29Liked by ismatu gwendolyn

Right now im trying to figure out how to manage escapism in a way that doesnt cost me too much (in time or physically as in causing me pain...) I want something effective-- trying things out right now.

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Jun 29Liked by ismatu gwendolyn

The thing you said about writing poetry for people who dont really read it-- not something i had considered before! I'll be thinking about that for a while hehe. Wondering if that is a kind of work that the people around me could benefit from.

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Jul 2Liked by ismatu gwendolyn

LIfe has been soooo itchy. That is the best way to describe it, Ismatu! The fear of expansion, not wanting to be an inspiration all the time, being percieved online, and thoughts about substances!! I feel like I ghost wrote this lol. I pray sleep/rest comes easy to you soon 🫀🫂

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I'm well. Longing for d*ath but having to pray for life because there is a child brewing in my stomach. So I must continue on so I can grow her and pray for long life so she can have her mother. But I've begged God let my life end

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“i’m just a panda, but im a panda that people take seriously.” panda’s are my favorite animal so i relate to this heavily. i just want to sleep but im glad im not the only one <3

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PLEASE make a jazz playlist stop playing

Always so good to hear from you🩷

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What if you wrote poetry for you? If poetry is where you respirate, why you trynna control your breath for other people? The people who'll need your work will find it. I think it's fine and okay to not be palatable to everyone. It's more honest

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Listening on the other end <3 your presence makes a difference

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